Thursday, November 29, 2007

Assignment No.2


UNIX sysadmins claim that UNIX is intrinsically better designed.Stored in many text files,The kernel does not use shared libraries (Linux modules are not shared.UNIX systems for handling heavy-duty applications.


Windows NT is a portable, secure, multithreaded, multiprocessing operating system.Windows NT is a portable, secure, multithreaded, multiprocessing operating system. As a result, its virtual memory manager must:• Be compatible with multiple processor types • Protect the NT Executive from applications • Protect applications from each other • Provide mechanisms for programs to efficiently share physical memory (RAM). • Be efficientAn Application's View of MemoryIn Windows NT, applications access memory using a 32-bit linear addressing scheme. This scheme is sometimes referred to as flat memory model because applications view memory as one linear (or flat) array of memory locations. Applications address memory using simple 32-bit offsets from address zero (0). Since a 32-bit offset can specify 232 memory addresses, each application can access up to 4 Gb of (virtual) memory.

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